Sunday, March 20, 2016


Like the feats page, I thought I'd look at the skills quickly and identify their value.

Ride/Swim/Drive/Pilot/Climb/Acrobatics: Worthless since movement powers are so much better. Unless you're in a really weird situation where you need to pilot a jet full of people or something, but usually i see teleportation powers pop up.

Investigate/Intimidate/Gather Info/Search/Notice/Bluff/Diplomacy/Sense Motive/Disguise/Knowledge(all): These powers are all must haves for every single character. They come ALL the time, and people without them always suffer.

Concentration: Nice if you're worried about losing control of your concentration based power, but most people seem to just move the powers to sustained instead.

Craft: Necessary only for characters building things (including with create object powers).

Computers: This is another one many characeters should have but especially any technopath type characeter. Often overlooked.

Disable Device: This is necessary for escaping the villains deathtrap and unlocking doors, but the teleporter gets around it so much I wonder what's the point.

Escape Artist/Handle Animal/ Language/Survival: Survival is good with the track feat, but these skills are a mixed bag. They can be offset (usually cheaper) by powers, or with high strength (for escape artist). Speaking all languages is a 1 point power, and survival doesn't come up when you are immune to hunger or can teleport out.

Profession: An RP skill that does nothing in actuality.

Perform: Great for using fascinate, but otherwise worthless.

Medicine: This is actually a fantastic skill as it can be used to wake up unconscious characters, even if they're suffering from fatigue or damage, allowing them to take actions again! Great for fatigue battery concepts. Sure healing/regen can do the same thing, but healing requires you to take the fatigue into yourself, where medicine allows you to wake a fatigued character with no harm to yourself.

Stealth: Don't rely on invisibility! Stealth is the skill that defeats powers, because they still need to NOTICE you which can be opposed with stealth. Every sneaky character needs this.

Sleight of Hand: Another skill that beats powers. Allows you to take things from an oppnant. Sure you can disarm, or teleport the item from his hands, but that requires saving throws and power level limits. A DC 20 always takes the item, then it's just a matter of being noticed!

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